Like our history, the values of safety, respect for each other, a pioneer spirit, the need to stand together and a performance-minded attitude represent that part of BERK’s identity that is shared by all. Day in, day out, these values guide our actions and our relationships with stakeholders while serving as the foundations for achieving our collective ambition, which is to become the responsible major company in the industry.
BERK is strategically poised to deliver superior services riding on our core ethics, uprightness, and values that define every part
of our business. BERK Energy board, management and staff are committed to the highest standards of corporate
BERK Energy business and ethical standards are fundamental to how the company operates, and includes workplace policies, hiring, training, business conduct guidelines, and ethical and legal standards.
We are dedicated to making the dreams of families and children a reality through public service initiatives,
community outreach and volunteering to create lasting positive impact in the communities where we live and work around the world.
BERK Energy is committed to balancing environmental
stewardship with its corporate goals and operations worldwide. International Labour Standards – We are committed to the promotion and maintenance of
responsible international labour practices in our local and
international operations.
The safety of our contractors and our staff members is of
paramount importance to us and is evident in programs
throughout the company and in our ongoing review and
improvement of these programs as needed.
Corporate Governance
We are committed to upholding governance policies and best practices that promote thoughtful and independent representation of stakeholder interests. BERK Energy is
governed by a board of directors, which has the power to choose an executive officer (Managing Director).
The MD has broad powers to manage the corporation on a
daily basis, but needs to get board approval for certain major actions, including hiring his/her immediate subordinates, raising money, major capital expansions, or other expensive projects.