Management Systems

A key aspect of successful delivery of projects is the existence of systems and processes to guide the project team.

QHSE Management

BERK QHSE Management System defines the principles by which we conduct our operations with regard to the quality of our services and products, the health and safety of our customers, employees, contractors and communities where we work, and protection of the environment. The primary objective of QHSE is to identify and mitigate risk to as low as reasonably practical to prevent injuries, losses and damage to the environment. All employees are responsible for contributing to a healthy working environment, by performing their work in a safe and orderly manner and do what is necessary to prevent injuries and damage to assets and the environment. Each employee is empowered to stop any unsafe act in any place or at any time.

Project Management

Our Project Management System defines the recommended minimum requirements and methodology for both setting up a new project and running an existing project. It includes requirements and methodology for initiation, planning, execution and close out of projects.

Quality Management System

Product and service quality delivery is fundamental to customer satisfaction and the long-term success of our business. BERK Quality Management Systems are an integral part of our QHSE, Project Management System and Facilities Engineering Management Systems.

BERK is committed to implement and maintain a quality, occupational health, safety and environmental management system that continually improves effectiveness and performance, providing products and services that meet the requirements of our internal and external customers and stakeholders, applicable standards, and shall comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

BERK promotes a positive culture based on a passionate QHSE leadership at all levels of the organization. We are firmly committed to meeting customer expectations, prevention of injury and ill health of all persons within our workplace, and minimizing our environmental footprint through pollution prevention practices and eliminating waste. We shall determine the interested parties and understand the requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to its QHSE management system.

Top Management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the QHSE management system by:

This QHSE Policy and the Management System shall apply to BERK, its subsidiary companies and associates affiliates companies; this policy shall be periodically reviewed to ensure continuing suitability, to ensure it meets the requirements of BERK, our customers, and the market. At BERK ENERGY, we never compromise our commitment to QHSE management.

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